The eagerly awaited TV anime adaptation of Yoshimi Sato's manga Kakushite Makina-san has just revealed an exciting new visual along with key details about the main cast and staff. Slated to premiere in...
The anime world is gearing up for a charming new entry with the upcoming adaptation of "The Barbarian's Bride" (Himekishi wa Barbaroi no Yome), a fantasy comedy manga by Noriaki Kotoba. This exciting...
The beloved mobile game Tasokare Hotel is making its way to television screens with an anime adaptation set to premiere in January 2025. Fans of the game and newcomers alike are eagerly anticipating...
The highly anticipated anime adaptation of Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsura Sugiru (The Okinawan Girl I Love Has an Unintelligible Dialect) is set to premiere in January 2025....
Fans of dark fantasy have a new reason to celebrate! The popular light novel series Blade & Bastard, created by Kumo Kagyu, known for Goblin Slayer, is officially getting an anime adaptation. Here’s...
mThe "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" series has captivated audiences worldwide with its stunning animation, compelling characters, and gripping storyline. As we look forward to 2025, fans are eagerly anticipating the release of...
The highly anticipated anime film "The Colors Within" has just released its English-subbed trailer, and fans are thrilled. Directed by the acclaimed Naoko Yamada and produced by Science SARU, this film promises to...
Exciting news for fans of fantasy and reincarnation stories! The popular web novel and webtoon series The Beginning After the End by TurtleMe is officially getting a TV anime adaptation, set to premiere...
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