The upcoming anime film Project SEKAI the Movie: Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU is generating significant excitement and is set to premiere in Japan on January 17, 2025. Based on the popular rhythm and adventure game Hatsune Miku: COLORFUL STAGE!, this movie is produced by the renowned animation studio P.A. Works and directed by Hiroyuki Hata. Fans of the game and Hatsune Miku can look forward to a unique and captivating story.
Project SEKAI the Movie
Set in modern-day Shibuya, the film follows Ichika Hoshino, a high school student and street musician. During a visit to a CD store, Ichika encounters a Hatsune Miku song she has never heard before, and an unfamiliar version of Miku appears on the store’s monitor. This mysterious Miku, struggling to connect with her audience, later appears on Ichika’s smartphone after one of her street performances. Feeling disheartened by her inability to reach people, Miku seeks Ichika’s help. Together, they embark on a journey to touch the hearts of their listeners through music.
What’s Coming ?
- Original Story: The movie features an original storyline that introduces a new version of Hatsune Miku not seen in the game.
- Emotional Journey: The plot focuses on themes of connection, perseverance, and the power of music to unite people.
- Stunning Animation: With P.A. Works at the helm, viewers can expect high-quality animation and visually striking scenes set against the vibrant backdrop of Shibuya.
Project SEKAI Cast and Crew
- Director: Hiroyuki Hata
- Animation Studio: P.A. Works
- Main Characters: Ichika Hoshino and a new version of Hatsune Miku
Project SEKAI The Movie: Release Information
- Premiere Date: January 17, 2025
- Location: Theaters across Japan
Fans of Hatsune Miku and the Project SEKAI game series are eagerly anticipating this film, which promises to offer both an emotional and visually stunning experience. Stay tuned for more updates as the release date approaches!